Here's How To Write During Plague Season


Whatever your circumstances during the COVID-19 scare, I have a hunch you really want to write during this period of social distancing and global uncertainty.

Of course you do. Words have always been your harbor in the storm, the thing you turned to when you were hurting or confused or wanted escape. Your writing gets you. But, like any relationship, you'll have to figure out how much time you can spend together when the world is more topsy turvy than ever. Imagine writing during the Blitz. (Keep Calm and Carry On).

Some of the writers I work with are despairing - how to concentrate when this is all going on?! They can't put their phones down. Stop texting. Stop worrying. Or they're challenged by people who are home that don't respect writing and privacy. They are kinda sort of a lot losing their minds...already. Does writing even matter now? Or they're on the other end of the spectrum, pressuring themselves to use this time wisely, not waste it, write the great American novel - and quickly learn one's Inner Critic doesn't give two figs about social distancing.

I...have a plan for that. 

Below are a few offerings I've put together so that your writing can be a good friend to you during this crisis.

  • I'll be offering free weekly Zoom Q & A drop-ins every Sunday at 2:00PM EST. Come with questions and frustrations and wins and losses. I'll email the links each Saturday to my newsletter list, so if you’re not on the list, do pop on. (A little extra email this month, usually just a couple a month...can't be helped.)

  • I've created a sneak peek to the Flow Lab, which you can download below right now. This includes a Do Not Disturb door sign, a writing sign-in sheet (you'll see), and my best practices for building and sustaining your daily writing practice NO MATTER WHAT. The full 30-Day Flow Lab is available on March 28, 2020 for newsletter subscribers.

  • My site now has a Homebound Resources page - lots there for you.

    The best writing comes out of the tough stuff. I firmly believe that.

    Click below to get your PDF download of the Flow Lab sneak peek.